Monday 8 June 2009

My Mum just send me a Fuzzy-Felt card which not only sent me down memory lane, but also gave me an hour of fun. I had forgotten how much fun it is to move those simple little felt pieces around. I was equally fascinated with the Fuzzy-Felt history and wanted to share it all with you. Enjoy. x

During the Second World War, Lois Allan agreed to set up a small factory in the grounds of her Buckinghamshire cottage. She enlisted the help of local women whose husbands were away fighting for their country to cut felt gaskets for tanks and other vehicles. Whilst working in the factory, the women also took turns to care for the young children.

Lois soon discovered the entertainment value in the small felt cut-offs from the gaskets. Using the baize back of table mat, she encouraged the children to create pictures using different shapes - Fuzzy-Felt was born.

Fuzzy-Felt was first launched in 1950 and has gone on to become one of Britain's all time favourite toys. Its simplicity and creativity has inspired generations of children, bringing back happy memories to many parent and grandparents today.

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